August 13, 2021 CLE – via Zoom

This CLE will cover topics from the onset of the criminal investigation all the way to preserving issues for an appeal. This will be a thoroughly helpful CLE and will also be beneficial in providing updates on the new legislation that was passed this last term, including the impact of Aniah’s Law on bond issues and what now can be expunged in the State of Alabama.

Zoom link to be provided to members via email. Click on a topic to download the corresponding handout.

Connect – 10:30-11:00

11:00-12:00 – Belinda Weldon – How To Investigate Your Case

12:00-12:30 – Lunch Break

12:30-1:30 – John Lentine – Creative Motion Practice

1:30-2:30 – Mike Hanle – Legislative Update

2:30-2:45 – Break

2:45 – 3:45 – Bob Matthews – Case Law Update

3:45-4:45 – Alisha McKay – How to Properly Preserve Your Case for Appellate Review